Thursday, November 27, 2014


Did you know that you can become a UTN recognized philosopher?
All you need to do is prove your knowledge of Nihilism by sending an essay or youtube video expounding moral nihilism or neo-nihilism or any other form of nihilism via email to Prof Nihilus @ Prof Nihilus will then grade and review your essay or video and grant you either a BA,MA, or PHD in Nihilisms. Your video or essay may even be subjectively judged worthy of being posted here on this UTN Blog and on the UTN Fb. Your name will then be entered into UTN faculty list (which will be made public here on this blog) along with your earned UNT degree. This degree is not accredited and is not recognized any where accept here at UTN.
Upon earning your degree you will then be able to edit your facebook to say you earned a degree and are a philosopher here at UTN. IT IS THAT SIMPLE! Why would you do this? Because you subjective desire to. Why would you not? Because you don't.

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